Blog Archives
Annual Dinner and Awards
James Bunn Lecture: Getting it right in camera
Richard Houghton
My ‘Getting It Right In Camera’ (GIRIC) session will include an initial open discussion with the members to collectively arrive at what is thought to meet these requirements when capturing images. It will be quite interactive without a slide show.
After the break the remainder of the time will be spent getting members to try out the ‘agreed’ theory and put this into practice!
Naturally, you should advise the members to bring their camera (brush the dust off it) and ensure a charged battery and space on a memory card, plus a tripod for use during the evening
March Monthly Competition
Judge – Paul Radden
My camera
Chris Shepherd
The story behind the print – Gary Dean LRPS, CPAGB, BPE 3*
One not to miss, our only print talk this season!
Club Member Gary Dean will show you a wide range of prints he has made over the years. He will give you some insight into how and where the image was captured and at the same time highlight the reasons why you should consider printing your work. He will discuss some of the technical and artistic decisions that go into producing a print.
Annual DPI Competition
Judge – Peter Graham
Annual Print and Monochrome Competition
Judge – Naomi Saul
George Dellar and Presidents Cup Challenge
Judge – Jonathan Vaines
Seeing Opportunity – Erica Oram
This talk is about making the most of limited time for photography by ‘seeing’ opportunity and by being a little creative both in camera and afterwards.