About Us

Welcome to St Ives Photographic Club

The St Ives Photographic Club is an active and friendly club with indoor meetings held at the St Ives Free Church on Tuesday evenings, meeting at 7:30pm for an 8pm start, from September to April together with an active summer programme of outdoor events.

The club’s objective is to provide an interesting and active programme of photographic based events throughout the year for the benefit of its members and to welcome new members of all levels.

The St Ives Photographic Club is a membership based club organisation operated entirely by volunteers. Management of the club is carried out by a combination of its committee members and volunteers. We aim to run the Club as efficiently as possible and welcome suggestions on improvements from our members.


Membership normally costs just £60 per year and a reduced rate of £10 for students in full time education with a current student card. The club also has the option of E-membership at a reduced rate of £10 per year for members who cannot attend the club on a regular basis. E-membership allows members access to the newsletter; member’s area of the Website and Facebook group; free entry to the first winter meeting of the year and to one other meeting. Additional meetings are at a reduced guest fee of £2 per meeting. E-members are welcome to club social events at guest rates but are NOT allowed to enter club competitions.

If you are ready to sign up, you can become a member in any of the following ways:

  • Complete this Application Form and we will send you online payment details, or
  • Visit the Club on any Tuesday evening from September to April and sign up in person.

You can pay your membership fees by BACS, cash or cheque. If paying by cash, please come to the Club in person.

Casual visitors are very welcome to join club meetings but are asked to pay a guest fee of £4 on the door at each meeting.


Committee members are a small group of nominated and elected volunteers, working together for the benefit of the club and its members with each member playing a critical role in the Club’s livelihood.

For further information about the club please use the following contact details or use this contact form:

President Graham Shirra president@stives-photoclub.org.uk
Vice President Brian Sibley vice.president@stives-photoclub.org.uk
Treasurer Peter Wills treasurer@stives-photoclub.org.uk
Secretary Jennifer Horn secretary@stives-photoclub.org.uk
Programme Secretary Nicky Cope programme@stives-photoclub.org.uk
Internal Competition Secretary Louisa Christie competitions@stives-photoclub.org.uk
External Competition Secretary Graham Shirra external.competitions@stives-photoclub.org.uk
Membership Secretary Nicky Cope membership@stives-photoclub.org.uk
Interprint Secretary Graham Shirra interprint@stives-photoclub.org.uk
Equipment Officer Jonathan Sayer equipment@stives-photoclub.org.uk
Communications Officer Brian Sibley communications@stives-photoclub.org.uk
Competition Assistant Vacant competitions@stives-photoclub.org.uk
Programme Secretary Assistant Vacant programme@stives-photoclub.org.uk

How to Find Us

Privacy statement

The St Ives Photographic Club will only use your personal data on relevant lawful grounds as permitted by the EU General Data Protection Regulation (from 25 May 2018)/UK Data Protection Act and Privacy of Electronic Communication Regulation. Click here for the St Ives Photographic Club Data Protection Policy.