President’s Challenge 2024 Results

President’s Challenge Trophy 2024

Nick Akers

Position Author Title (Points) Score

Nicky Cope Splashing about (20) 20
= 2

Steve Eeley Life’s a blur (19) 19
= 2

Tom Lane In A Hurry (19) 19
= 2

David Cole The Train Now Arriving (19) 19
= 2

Stuart Turnbull Speedster Donninton (19) 19
= 2

Ise Berridge Just Enjoying the Speed (19) 19
= 2

Paul Dobson Too much fun at the fair (19) 19
= 3

Stephen Hardy Wakeboarding (18) 18
= 3

Steve Laws No. 22 (18) 18
= 3

Gary Dean Hare Hop (18) 18
= 3

Tony Cole Sluicing (18) 18
= 4

Peter Hayward Racing the Rain (17) 17
= 4

Stu Hames Getting away. (17) 17
= 4

Derek Gaynor One way to keep cool (17) 17
= 4

Jennifer Horn Twister (17) 17
= 4

Stan Mace Having a wash (17) 17
= 4

Graham Shirra No sweat (17) 17
= 4

Richard Berridge Offord Cluny crossing (17) 17
= 4

Ian Warren Yorkshire tea (17) 17
= 4

Lynne Cole Shall we dance (17) 17
= 4

David King Having Fun in the Fountains (17) 17
= 4

Debbie Hall Riding the wave (17) 17
= 4

Stephen Attwood To The Lake (17) 17
= 4

Ivan Barrett Aspens (17) 17
= 4

Paul Hodson IoM TT racer (17) 17
= 4

Louisa Christie On the turn (17) 17
= 5

Karen Laws Miss Norah on the Move (16) 16
= 5

Moira Shirra Sick Bags Provided (16) 16
= 5

Graham Davey Morning Exercise (16) 16
= 5

Ian Montgomery Elements – Air (16) 16