January 2024 DPI Results

St. Ives Photographic Club

Competition Results for
January 2024 Monthly DPI

Ken Payne

Position Author Title (Points) Score
1 Gary Dean Tansy Beattle, Jewel of the Fen (20) 40
Red Eyed Tree Frog Costa Rica Rainforest (20)
= 2 Paul Hodson I’m looking at you (20) 37
Over the mountain at Cadwell Park (17)
= 2 Alice Kendrick Eastern Bath White, Pontia edusa (20) 37
Taste Test, Balkan Green Lizard (17)
= 2 Nicky Cope The Sleepy Cygnet (19) 37
Coot chick (18)
= 2 Tom Lane Pushing The Bike (20) 37
Ely Cathedral (17)
= 3 Angela Lucas My Eyebrows!! (20) 36
The Woman in White (16)
= 3 David King The Final Furlong (19) 36
The Outsider (17)
= 3 Tony Cole Clipper Patterns (20) 36
Jack Hammer (16)
= 3 Stu Hames Winnie in the meadow. (19) 36
Landed. (17)
= 3 Steve Laws Lee Valley Water (18) 36
Borrowdale Mill (18)
4 Graham Shirra The depths of London (20) 35
Working lunch (15)
= 5 Stephen Hardy Phantom the Peregrine Falcon (19) 34
Down Below (15)
= 5 Jennifer Horn Snow buntings (18) 34
Tawny owl (16)
= 5 Karen Laws Great Yarmouth in November (18) 34
Bay at Nafplion Greece (16)
= 6 Stefania Van Lieshout Camel marktet Saudi Arabaia (17) 33
Secrets of the desert (16)
= 6 David Cole Yellow Rumped Tinkerbird with Berry (18) 33
Lonely Contemplation (15)
= 6 Moira Shirra Thank God, that’s over (18) 33
Gizza drink, mate (15)
= 6 Warren Sue Canadian canoes (17) 33
Rabelo port boat on the Douro (16)
= 7 Steve Eeley On the Waterfront (17) 32
Into Orbit (15)
= 7 Graham Davey Lizard in Silhouette (17) 32
Walking the Dog (15)
= 8 Peter Hayward Choices, Wine (17) 31
Poser (14)
= 8 Paul Dobson Photoshoot – caught in the act! (17) 31
An evening in Venice (14)
= 9 Stephen Attwood Spirit Island, Jasper, Canada (16) 30
Sagrada Familia – Organic Interior (14)
= 9 Debbie Hall View from on high in Singapore (15) 30
Bridge Crossing (15)
= 9 Ethan Clarke Suspended (17) 30
Peeled (13)
10 Brian Sibley A Rainy day in Bergen (15) 29
Sun in the sails (14)
11 Derek Gaynor Sunset at the resort (17) 17